Surf Sports Carnival Information
Carnivals are a large part of Surf Life Saving. Members are encourages to attend Surf Sports carnivals not only to keep fit, active and at the top of your game, but it brings surf lifesavers together providing opportunities to generate strong community type atmosphere.
Surf Sports Carnivals are held at all levels for all disciplines across all ages. There are Nipper Carnivals, Open and Masters Carnivals that include all events to suit people looking to get into boat rowing, surf swimming, board & ski paddling, beach running and even a combinations of each. SLSA has carnivals at various levels including Club, Branch, State, National and all the way up to World Titles.
For up-to-date surf sports carnival information for season 2016/17, please check back here frequently.
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AGM Season 2023-24
Notice is given for the Stockton SLSC 2023/24 season AGM meeting to be held at 3pm, Saturday 16th September, 2023 at Stockton SLSC Clubhouse.
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Our club has experienced wonderful growth the past few seasons and in particular this current season with close to 300 Nippers. With a growing Nippers program, kids are becoming more involved with Nippers Carnivals...which is fantastic. This however presents our club...
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Stockton Surf Life Saving Club
Ph: (02) 4928 3562
Location: Pitt St, Stockton NSW 2295